مصادر استيحاء صورة الدنيا الأنثى في شعر إبراهيم الأسود

Sources of Depicting the Life as Feminine in Ibrahim Al-Aswad's Poetry


  • أ.د. فضل الله فضل أحد أستاذ البلاغة والنقد ، عميد كلية اللغة العربية، بالجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بإسلام آباد
  • براء خالد هلال باحث في النقد الأدبي الحديث، كلية اللغة العربية بالجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بإسلام آباد


Modern Arabic Poetry, Ibrahim Alaswad, Life, Woman


Ibrahim al-Aswad was influenced by the Arabic poets who found in the beauty of the world an allure akin to that of a beautiful woman. The poet likened the life to a women beauty, its events brimming with surprises, much like a pregnant woman whose eventual delivery remains unknown. He compared people's rush and eagerness for the world to a baby's rush to its mother's breast. He also saw in the embellishment and adornment of the world a vivid example of a beloved or a betrothed adorning herself for her suitor. As the poet aged, he viewed the world through the eyes of an old, worn-out woman, coloring her hair to hide her flaws. He also likened it to the deceitful, treacherous wife who promises and wishes for lovers but fails to keep her word. He found no parallel to the cunning of the world except in the cunning and deceit of women. This paper concludes that the modern poet followed in the footsteps of previous poets in this vein. He found a fitting parallel between the fluctuations in a woman's moods and the vicissitudes of the world's conditions. The world and women continue to be a source of inspiration for poets since the beginning of poetry, and this will remain the case indefinitely. This paper follows descriptive analytical method.




How to Cite

أ.د. فضل الله فضل أحد, and براء خالد هلال. 2024. “مصادر استيحاء صورة الدنيا الأنثى في شعر إبراهيم الأسود: Sources of Depicting the Life As Feminine in Ibrahim Al-Aswad’s Poetry”. AL-IDA’AT Research Journal 4 (1). https://alasr.com.pk/ojs3308/index.php/alidaat/article/view/243.