التفسير المقاصدي لآية الوضوء: دراسة مقارنة بين تفسير ابن عاشور وأحكام القرآن للتهانوي

Intentional interpretation of the verse of ablution: A comparative study between Ibn Ashur's interpretation and the provisions of the Qur'an by Al-Tahanawi


  • Umar Farooq PhD Scholar Department of Tafseer & Quranic Sciences, Faculty of Usuluddin, International Islamic University Islamabad
  • Dr. Tahir Mehmood Associate Professor, Department of Tafseer & Quranic Sciences, Faculty of Usuluddin, International Islamic University Islamabad


Ayat of Ablution in Quran, Intentional interpretation, Comparative study, Ibn Ashur, Al-Tahanawi


Imam Ibni Ashoor is considered one of the great scholars of his time in Tunisia, and just as he had expertise in jurisprudence and its principles, he also had complete expertise in Tafseer and the sciences of the Qur'an, and he authored many books. He is considered among those scholars who want to promote new thinking, And he do not like to copy the views of the predecessors in his books, because they already exist, so there is no benefit in mentioning its again, However, sometimes he mentions the opinion of the predecessors, but the purpose is to present something new, so he thinks that the opinions of the predecessors are of considerable importance, but only copying them in detail does not gain any benefit.

The Imam ibni ashoor has written an interpretation in thirty volumes and interpreted the intentional interpretation of worship, and explained the benefits and wisdoms of worship, so the researcher mentions here the intentional interpretation of the verse of ablution (wado). One of the most famous scholars of the Indian subcontinent, Sheikh Ashraf Ali Tahanwi, he is the author of more than thousand books, His students have written interpretation on the verses of the rulings in the light of the rules stated by Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, And sometimes they interpret these verses in such a way that they explain the wisdom of these verses.  

In this article, the researcher will describe the intentional interpretation of the Tafsir of Ibni Ashoor and the verses of the Qur'an for the purpose of ablution (wado), And then he will compare them both.




How to Cite

Umar Farooq, and Dr. Tahir Mehmood. 2023. “التفسير المقاصدي لآية الوضوء: دراسة مقارنة بين تفسير ابن عاشور وأحكام القرآن للتهانوي: Intentional Interpretation of the Verse of Ablution: A Comparative Study Between Ibn Ashur’s Interpretation and the Provisions of the Qur’an by Al-Tahanawi”. AL-IDA’AT Research Journal 3 (4). https://alasr.com.pk/ojs3308/index.php/alidaat/article/view/230.